Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New stuff for digital image illustration & color management

These are some of my images for class this week... I wish I could just have a permanent "Click to view larger" thing on here... or something.. or I wish I could post them as large without having them make my template mess up..


So, my online English class is over in about a week.. and I cannot wait. I don't think anybody has any idea how much I hate English. I have a research paper due, and I have not started it yet... and I also haven't done any of the research........ I've turned in almost every assignment a day late, but somehow managed to get full credit this week. My teacher spells my name a different way every time she types it. It's kind of humorous. I should probably start that paper.. tomorrow.....maybe.

Tomorrow I have to go to the city council to photograph for news class..
I also need to read that chapter on ethics... and start that scavenger hunt at some point..

I think I have given up on sleeping. Notice that the bulk of my blog updates are done at extremely late hours of the night. I think the dark circles under my eyes are becoming permanent..

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