Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Virginia Beach

I am at Virginia Beach and it's SO NICE here. I've never been here at an old enough age where I can remember anything. The last time we were here, I guess I was really little, and I just don't remember anything except a giant wave crashing on my mom, which then caused my mom to fall on top of me in the water. Of course I would remember the terrible part. Yes, I have been taking photographs.. but I can't do much while I am on vacation becaaaause

1) All I have is my laptop and I cannot judge color/brightness very well on it
2) My MacBook is still running Tiger, and Tiger does not run Lightroom 3... so that means I am running off of Bridge... and I'm wondering how on earth I ever survived without Lightroom.

I am actually TERRIFIED of water. Completely terrified. All I do is stand on the edge where the water doesn't even go up to my knees. I'm way too afraid to go in anymore, I don't feel like sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

I found 2 crabs, and that made my day. I think crabs are cute.

These are the photographs I have for now. I brought my film camera too, and I'm hoping I can develop those photos at school when I go back because the new..smaller.. darkroom is suppose to be done I think.

(click to view larger)

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