Sunday, February 6, 2011


If I have one more person tell me I should stop doing my 4 year degree in 3 and do it in the complete 4 years instead, I'm going to snap. Yes I'm stressed beyond belief. I'm cutting a year off of my degree, and it's already bad enough that AIP quarters have a faster pace than normal college semesters. But I am not your average person. I will never be your average person. I love what I'm going to school for, I love what I'm doing. And it is true that I'm taking way more photos than I can handle right now, I'm slowly going insane due to my 4 photo classes (on top of chemistry).. But like I said, I'm not average. I've been through some really hellish experiences for only being 19 years old. Did I ever let those stop me? No, I didn't. And I wont. I wont stop. If you think I should give up on doing my 4 year degree in 3 years, then you obviously don't know who I am or what I am capable of. You have not seen what I have been through and the pain I have endured. You do not know me. I have an unstoppable drive. And no matter how stressed I am, or how badly some days I just want to roll over in bed and not move for a month, I'm not doing my 4 year degree in 4 years. I'm not. I am completely focused on what I am doing and I'm not going to stop. I've been through tougher things than this. This really is not THAT hard this quarter. It is just taking up all of my time and leaving me with absolutely none for myself, which is why I'm going insane. After a while, not having any free time really gets to you. But i'm on week 5, and it should be getting a little easier after this. 2 week break after week 11. I'm looking forward to it.

And I definitely am improving. Or at least I hope I am. I get the same exact grade in digital image management every week, yet I've been spending a ton more time on my photos for that class. These are all for that class. Themes for photos - architecture, circles, drinks..



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