A quick description - he was a botanist and took pictures of plants a lot.
I came up with the idea of taking normal things that I see throughout my day and finding different ways to view them. Blossfeldt didn't view plants normally. When people look at plants, they don't go extremely close to the plant to view different parts of it. They view it as a whole. I figured I could do something like this with other objects. I'll explain what my plan was with each picture.
The title of my project was Perspective
This leaf was just suppose to be a picture like Blossfeldt's. He took close ups of plants, so that's what I did here.. and I really like black and white images, so I turned it in to one.
This photo is basically the same idea. I had one of Blossfeldt's photos up to compare in my powerpoint, but it's almost the same as the first one. Just another close up of different parts of plants.
I read somewhere that he also liked to capture textures of plants. I found the tree bark to be a perfect example for texture. I chose black and white for this one because the sunlight was hitting the tree just enough to get a really nice highlight in the center. I really loved the way the bark was curving too.
This is where I started to view subjects a lot differently. My thought here was "Nobody ever looks under a flower..." so I put the camera under it to get a different view. I think it turned out pretty good, and I like the whole summery feel too it.. winter is not my thing!
A reflection of the Oxford Center in Pittsburgh. We normally don't look at buildings by the reflections, and I thought it was a really interesting way to see something that I see every time I'm in Pittsburgh for school. It's just a different view of the world.
One of my favorites. This is not an actual tree branch. It is a reflection from a large puddle I found on the ground. It looks like I was looking up at the branches, but I was actually looking at the ground! Reflections in puddles are not usually noticed, but looking in one gave me a chance see this tree in a completely new way.
I wanted to attempt an abstract light photo. It was my first try at trying to make light from a window look weird.. but the idea of it worked for my project. I just wanted a different way to look at light. I moved the camera a little while I was taking this picture. The darker area was actually a chair in my dining room, and there was a window behind it. I would like to try this again some time to get it to look better, but it worked out well for my project.
This was the last picture of my project. It is one picture, I did not photoshop multiple photos together. This was the day I got my new camera remote in the mail and I wanted to test it out. I'm pretty sure I put the camera on bulb for this.. then I just slowly turned the camera around in a circle on the tripod. I love how it came out. There are random objects that came out in focus, like my keys & wallet.. the chair in the background on the left.. the lamp toward the middle right.. and the pop can on the upper left. It turned out way better than I expected it to (it's always awesome when that happens!). My idea with this picture was that with photography, you can create what doesn't exist. I love the idea that with my camera, I have the power to create something completely new. This is definitely a different way to view the world, and I think taking this idea even further can make photographs extremely interesting.
That was my final project. I ended up getting 100/100 on it, which makes me happy. Happy Vicki is happy! (hahah.. Megan :D ) I had a really awesome teacher too, and I'm super glad I have her next quarter again because I learned a TON from her.
Not sure what I'll be posting next. I'm hoping to make this look nicer over the weekend and get a better template. For now it will look boring, but hopefully the photos hold your interest.
Peace out!
Thanks for sharing, Vik....these pictures are awesome. We get so many compliments on our Christmas pictures!!!
ReplyDelete- Sarah
hi sarah! thanks! i didn't know you were signed up on this site haha. i'm glad people like the christmas photos, if you ever decide you want one printed and want me to send the big file, just let me know!