Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today I was so angry, that I got up and walked out of my class.

Too bad my teacher didnt even notice I was missing for an hour.

I walked around Pittsburgh for almost an hour just so I could chill out.. and let me point out how awesome it is that Pittsburgh is FLIPPIN GOTHAM CITY!!! I was walking near all the sets.. and walked on the snowy set.. It is SOOOO NEEEEAT. I am going back tomorrow to take pictures.. because the photography student did not have her camera today... TUH!

Ok.. well here are my not-creative portraits.

Here are more from the cosplay shoot

And here are some photos I was just playing around with..


  1. because i have a teacher who tells us one thing then changes his mind every week. and he said crap about my project and basically told me to change my whole idea.. so i left.

  2. are you going to update??? I'm dying here! PS can I have my prints soon? I'm redoing somethings in the house.

  3. I'm going to punch you if you don't update soon!

  4. That's it...consider yourself punched!
